Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hugs and High Fives Banned

While some schools ban phones, iPods, computers, and such; one high school is taking it to the next level and banning Hugs and High Fives. Some believe that this is going to far with trying to rid out PDA of students, while others believe that touching in school needs to be completely banned. These schools believes that any type of touching should not be aloud, completely cutting out any type of hugs, high fives, and many more. Every school deals with those who break the rules differently but they are all along the same idea that this should not be tolerated in school. Although I agree that sometimes kids show to much affection to ones that they care about whether it be a boyfriend, girlfriend, or just friend. There needs to be lines drawn to ensure that certain affections are not shown, but I think that taking away a friendly hug and a high five is taking it to far. Those are just small ways that people show their appreciation, show that someone did a good job whether it be in school or sports. These are all harmless ways of showing someone that you are there for them.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Schools Providing Birth Control

After the news being boggled down with the news of the Gloucester High School students making a pact to become pregnant all at the same time caused such controversy. Many schools have dealt with young girls having children and learning to work with other students by teaching safe sex and ways to prevent pregnancy. Is actually physically giving out birth control in school going to far? In Maine a Middle School by the name of Kings Middle School, will take the idea of safe sex to a different level from most schools, instead of sticking with the norm of classes and the occasional passing out of condoms, contraceptives will be available for the students in this Middle School. When looking at those who are sexually active at this age you see that there are many students that are and they are not using the right preventative measures. I think that although this may be a very risky idea, that those whom are already having sex can benefit from this and those who are not sexually active it the future have a place to go and talk and receive the right information for preventing pregnancy and STDs. I think that with a safe sex course and the right contraceptives this could help students in many ways. Although some say that this will just make students think that having this available for them means that they can go and become promiscuous, but in reality I personally think that those who are not sexually active will not become active because this is available.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Special Education Budget in Stimulus Bill

Education in and of it's self is such an important aspect of childrens lives, this is what helps to shape a child into who they will become. Education in the past few years has been slowly slipping through the seems as the economy has been going down, with Education slipping away Special Education Programs has been continually slipping away. Special Education is something that is very close to, being an aide in a classroom with children with special needs is something that is so very rewarding, but yet can be so stressful at times. Working with these children is something that is so special, but with budget cuts the appropraite measures and staffing is slowly slipping away for these programs. With the economic stimulus package in plan, education seems to be a major part of what President Obama is hoping to regain with this package. With this stiumulus package a portion of the money set aside for education, is planned to be put into the programs for Special Education. With this proper staffing and programs can be put into place for children whom need this. Infants and Toddlers are often looked away from because money is spent more on children in grammar school, but things need to be done to help young children begin to work on their skills needed. A woman by the name of Kim Hymes, is putting in place policies to begin to help children at a young age to get into programs such as early intervention. With this stimulus package, I personally hope to see that they will pass laws to ensure that Special Education programs will be given money to help children with special needs.

Website For Special Education

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My name is Amanda and I am a senior at Salem. I have created this blog for my Premise of School Course.