Monday, April 13, 2009

Social Justice

Social Justice is such an important part of educating children, unfortunately many people over look this issue. When I think of social justice many things come to mind, but the one thing that really has stuck out to me is working together as a community to accomplish goals to help educate children. All to often children are deprived of one of the most important things in every ones lives, education. Children who are faced with poverty, have to deal also with the lack of proper education. Children should not be deprived of this very important aspect of life, when looking at articles about social justice I found many parts of schooling that communities ban together.
On the West Side of Chicago a small town banned together to help create a school for students who are from low income homes who have been deprived of this very important part of life. Parents concerned with the thoughts of their children traveling many miles to go to school decided to work together to create a school right in their back yards. With the plans underway they hit a few small snags causing the construction to come to a prompt halt, this did not discourage the parents again they banned together and protested until the schools building picked up again. Communities working together is very important in creating a socially just facility. This is just a small idea of how others working together can make such an important difference in many peoples lives.

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